In celebration of great romantic French music


Pomezí klub, Kounicova 7, Brno


26. 9. 2022 19.00 - 21.00
The DEMOS Ensemble je progresivní komorní skupina vytvořená s cílem prozkoumat celý rozsah a potenciál klavíru s hlasem a dechem v komorní hře. Členové souboru DEMOS Ensemble, klarinetistka Josephine Sapsard, koncertní pianista Giulio Lo Monaco a sólista hoboje Prof Andrew Miller dnes spojují síly k prozkoumání kusů francouzských skladatelů:
- Sonata pro hoboj a klavír, FP 185, Francis Poulenc (1899 — 1963)
- Sonata pro klarinet and klavír, Op. 167, Camille Saint-Saëns (1835— 1921)
- Trio for oboe, clarinet and piano, Op. 27, Edouard Destenay (1850 — 1924)
Vstupné: 200 kč
The DEMOS Ensemble is a progressive chamber group created to explore the full range and potential of the piano with voice and wind in chamber music. Today, members of the DEMOS Ensemble, clarinet player Josephine Sapsard, concert pianist Giulio Lo Monaco and the oboe soloist Prof Andrew Miller, are combining forces to explore some pieces by famous French composers.
Sonata for Oboe and Piano — FP 185, by Francis Poulenc (1899 — 1963)
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano — Op. 167, by Camille Saint-Saëns (1835— 1921)
Trio for Oboe, Clarinet and Piano — Op. 27, by Edouard Destenay (1850 — 1924)
Entry fee: 200 kč