THE SOUND OF MUSIC - Art exhibition of ISB students


Pomezí klub, Kounicova 7, Brno


4. 5. 2023 17.00 - 9. 5. 2023 17.00

Students of the International School in Brno (ISB) under the guidance of their art teachers, Eva Klarová and Sophie Lefèvre, will exhibit their works on the topic 'The sound of Music'.
In addition to the opening, the exhibition will be open to visitors on Sunday, May 7 and Tuesday, May 9 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Free entry
Studenti Mezinárodní školy v Brně (ISB) pod vedením učitelek vytvarky, Eva Klarová a Sophie Lefèvre, vystavují svoje díla na téma 'The sound of Music'.
Kromě vernisáže vystavu bude možné navštěvovat v neděli 7.5 a v úterý 9.5 od 15h do 18h.
Vstup dobrovolný

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